June 2024 update: Free Safety Goggles + Important Shipping Update — Detectable Warning Products Skip to content

June 2024 update: Free Safety Goggles + Important Shipping Update

Hi everybody! Rocco DeLuca, Detectable Warning Products, back with your June 2024 update.

Good news for you – our customers and potential customers, is that we're continuing to give away free dozens of safety goggles. You can get them in clear or in polarized, and I can assure you the polarized look as good and nice as any good quality pair of sunglasses you purchase, but they're going to be safety rated for your job sites.

On a lighter note, I've been traveling around a lot for business and for family and just noticing our Brands going in different parts of the country, and we were just recently in Philly and noticed our panels going in outside of Reading Station there. The reason why I mentioned that is just to assure you that wherever you are in the US, the products that you purchase from us will be DOT and locally approved. Everything that we guarantee you lowest pricing on is for Approved panels.

So, reach out to us, put those orders in and get your safety goggles.

Also remember, that there's a possibility of our minimum shipping of $5,000 for free shipping may be going up soon. So, if you have orders that are just around that amount, please get them in soon.

Hope you have an awesome June and a great beginning of your summer!

Thank you.

And remember, you can always call me directly at 401- 293- 4388, you can text me at 401- 473- 5584 or you can email me Rocco@dwpnow.com.

And remember, on time, every time, at the lowest cost, that's the DWP guarantee.

Thank you!

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