
Gear up for a Great Summer: Secure Your Orders with DWP's Inventory Forecast
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Hey everybody, Rocco Deluca from Detectable Warning Products, back again.
This month's update is a forecast for the summer, based on spring.
We had a crazy spring, and we had a huge run on inventory, the most we've ever had, but we've been able to maintain stock and we've also been able to maintain pricing.
I don't expect any increases but, last year we did get an unannounced increase from our manufacturers in June around the 15th or the 20th.
So, if you have any orders that you know are ready to go, then please call me and get them in as quick as possible to avoid any possibility of that happening.
If you want to reach out to me, you can email me at Rocco@dwpnow.com, or you can call me at 401-293-4388 or you can text me at 401-473-5584.
And remember, on time every time, for the highest quality products at the lowest cost - that's our DWP guarantee.
Thank you and have a great summer!