FREE Safety Gear Giveaway: DWPNow Jan 2025 Update — Detectable Warning Products Skip to content


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FREE Safety Gear Giveaway: DWPNow Jan 2025 Update

Read the full transcript below:

Hi, everybody, Rocco De Luca, Detectable Warning Products.

Happy 2025!

Right off the bat, I'm going to tell you what's in it for you in this video is that we are committed as a company, and me personally, to making 2025 your most profitable year ever when it comes to purchasing detectable warning products from DWP.

And to start that off, what I'd like to offer you at the beginning of this year is if you've never purchased from us, email me at, and I will send you out a dozen pair of sunglasses - safety glasses, really high-quality glasses that you want to wear every day, but they'll be rated for your job sites.

And if you are a customer of ours, email me at as well, and I'll send you a random gift. It'll either be some hard hats or safety goggles or maybe some high-quality knee pads, a box of them, like multiple pairs or multiple hats. I'm going to give out 10 of those to our existing customers, so please email me as soon as you can.

That's basically what's in it for us. We just want to find out who's getting the emails, who's opening up the videos, and if they're being beneficial to you.

If you do email us, let us know that, and then we'll also send you out those gifts.

I hope 2025 is the most profitable year your business has ever had, and personally, I hope it's one of your great years as well.

If you need anything from me, reach out. I can give you updates on product availability, pricing.

 It looks like we're going to be able to maintain pricing in almost every area. Maybe some slight increases, but I'll email you with those as well throughout this month.

But you can always call me directly, as always, at 401- 293- 4388.

You can email me at, and you can always text me directly at 401- 473- 5584.

Okay, let's have the most profitable year ever!

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