Composite WET SET Replaceable Directional Bar DW ADA Solutions
$27.50 Per Sq. Ft. Compared to Others at $33.00 & Up
This Composite "Way-Finding" tile is used for both new and existing concrete substrate and meets or exceeds all ADA Regulations.
We provide this Unique panel in different sizes, colors & paterns.
DWP, Inc Distributes Directional Bar detectable panels from the manufacturers that have set the industry standard for way-finding surfaces for over two decades.
Easy & Fast to Install & Replace!
With predrilled holes for surface applied, and preinstalled anchors for Cast in place, installation is FAST!
Panels are available in 6” x 48”; 24” x 24”
To request more information about our products and services, call for immediate assistance 401-473-5584 or mail us at info@dwpnow.com.