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DWP Cares

For about 15 years or so, homelessness has weighed heavily on our hearts. Back when we lived in Rhode Island, my wife and I both wanted to be involved in a very personal way, so we visited the shelter to serve meals on a regular basis. We also took many young people, from the youth groups we hosted in our home, to the shelter to volunteer in whatever capacity was needed. On one occasion we were blessed to have one of the men there, Mark, join our family for a large Thanksgiving gathering at our home.

In the Spring of 2017, when we relocated our family to Southwest Florida, my wife and I began noticing large numbers of homeless people in and around our community here as well. We continued to notice more and more, how large a number of homeless people there actually are.  I met a man who told me he lived in a community of homeless people, back in the tropical wooded area along the entrance to the community we lived in. He and his FAMILY.  My heart was so burdened. So we began praying for an answer to how we could PERSONALLY help on a daily basis.

The first action we took was to begin purchasing $25 gift cards to local food stores to give away, randomly and often, as we encountered the homeless at street corners and local businesses. All of these funds came from our personal income, that God has so graciously blessed us with.

When we built our newest website at the end of 2020, we felt called to take the next step and utilize DWP, Inc. as a vehicle to support the homeless and related causes. In addition, through observation and attentive conversations with those we meet and speak to on the streets of our city (and across the country), we are challenged to create solutions to address this crisis. Please know that we are NOT doing this out of some sense of Obligation or guilt, but in a Spirit of empathy and Love.  Out of an understanding that we are immensely blessed, not just financially,  but in every possible spiritual way. And Realizing the truth in the statement “There but by the Grace of God, Go I”. And, because of these blessings, love fills us and overflows. We thank you for your continued support and invite you to stand with us as we give back to those in need.

