DWP February Update: No Price Increases + Future Price Lock — Detectable Warning Products Skip to content


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DWP February Update: No Price Increases + Future Price Lock

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Rocco DeLuca Detectable Warning products back with your Chilly February update.

I say Chilly because our Fort Myers headquarters, which is just about an hour north of the Everglades, had temperatures dipping down into the 30s the last few days, they anticipate in the next couple of days. For you people up north, we're feeling that chill a little bit, too.

But what we're not feeling a chill in is the warm reception that you gave us with our request for feedback on our January newsletter. You guys responded and let me know how that was doing for you. And I promise to reciprocate by sending you out some really nice quality safety sunglasses. And we've just got done boxing dozens and dozens and dozens of them, and we'll be sending them out in the next week or two, so you should be seeing them shortly. We also have a couple of mixed safety equipment things that we're sending out to you as well.

Remember, these are all free gifts, but we do sell them now, and we're offering a full line of safety equipment. Only the safety goggles, safety sunglasses, I should say, are on the website right now.

But if you call me, I can email you a catalogue with all of the safety equipment that we're offering.

One huge thing is that we were able to not only maintain no price increases in January, but February as well. For this whole month, you can be sure that you'll have no price increases, and I think we're going to be able to hold that off for a while.

I'm pushing to try to hold it off for the whole year.

We have gotten notice that we might have a slight increase on concrete detectable warning pavers in March, but that's not guaranteed yet. And the only way to guarantee you to hold pricing right now is to get orders in this month for any projects you have coming up in the months to come.

We are excited and we're getting ready for the spring. If you have any questions, you can always call me at 401-293-4388. You can text me, which is your fastest response from me at 401-473-5584, or you can email me, rocco@dwpnow.com.

We are excited for the spring, and we're looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you and have an awesome February.

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