
Discover the Right Detectable Warning Panel Material for Every Location in the USA - Learn What Works Best Where!
Hi Everybody!
Rocco Deluca from Detectable Warning Products or DWP.
Today I'm sporting another one of our nine standard colors, which is gray. If you do order gray, be sure to use the Federal Code Number that pops up on the screen with the color. But today I wanted to talk to you a little bit more about the appropriate materials to use in different places throughout the country.
Now most northern cities, towns, and state agencies have already banned the use of Surface Applied Panels up in those areas where there's freezing and snow plowing that could damage the panels and pop them right off. But a lot of them have moved to different types of material - Galvanized Steel and Cast Iron. The price ranges on these products, Composite is the most competitively priced, the next highest price is Galvanized, and the highest priced is Cast Iron. And that's pretty much the order of resilience as well. So, it is appropriately priced.
We've been doing a lot of Galvanized Steel in Maine and also in Upper State Idaho, and a few in Northern California. It's been on a couple of years but really popular. And we've just recently done our first no color installation, which is just a beer Galvanized Steel and we'll have some pics on here for that. It looks beautiful!
So, if you're looking for any of those appropriate applications, please reach out to me. You can reach me by a cell phone at 401-293-4388. You can also text me at 401-473-5584, or you can email me Rocco@dwpnow.com.
And remember, on time every time, for the lowest cost, with the highest quality service and products -that's the DWP Guarantee!